Asset Documentation
The Asset class is a base class for all asset types within the Metaverse. An asset is a piece of content that can be owned by a user and can be used in the Metaverse.
Public Methods
void UpdateFromDto(AssetDto dto): Updates the asset from the given data transfer object (DTO).
Public Properties
Guid? ID (read only): The unique identifier of the asset.
string IDString (read only): The ID of the asset as a string.
string BlockchainSource: The blockchain source of the asset. This is the blockchain asset ID that this asset is associated with.
BlockchainType BlockchainSourceType: The blockchain type of the asset.
string BlockchainSourceTypeString (read only): The blockchain type of the asset as a string.
TMetaData MetaData: The asset's metadata. This is the data that is used to describe the asset.
Platform SupportedPlatforms: The platforms that this asset is supported on.
The Asset class is a base class and is not meant to be used directly. Instead, you should use one of its derived classes, such as MetaPrefab or MetaSpace.
Additional Notes
Assets can be uploaded to the Metaverse Cloud Engine using the AssetEditor in the Unity Editor.
Assets can be associated with a blockchain source, which allows them to be owned and controlled by users on the blockchain.
Assets can be built for different platforms, such as Windows, Android, and WebGL.
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